EPF Balance Enquiry with UAN number (SMS: EPFOHO UAN ENG)
If you are a registered UAN member (Universal Account Number), you can enquire your EPF/PF balance by sending a quick sms. Here are the details:
Send SMS To: 7738299899
Within a minute, you will receive an sms containing your PF details including last contribution and balance, account linking status for Aadhar, PAN, and Bank Details.
Here is the sample sms received:
Dear Member, YOUR UAN: xxxxxx, NAME: xxx, DOB: xxxx, AADHAR: <Available | Not Available>, PAN: xxxx, Bank Details: <Available | Not Available>, LAST CONTRIBUTION: Month and Amount, TOTAL CONTRIBUTION: Amount
You may receive this sms from senders like VM-EPFOHO or BT-EPFOHO or BV-EPFOHO:
Please note that the 'ENG' above in the sms text is the language code for English. You can receive the balance details in other languages also. For example, to receive the message in hindi, send this sms : EPFOHO UAN HIN
Here is a list of other language codes :
- Telugu - TEL
- Tamil - TAM
- Punjabi - PUN
- Gujarati - GUJ
- Marathi - MAR
- Kannada - KAN
- Malayalam - MAL
- Bengali - BEN
If you are looking for your epf passbook, you can now get your epf passbook online by following instructions on our passbook details page.
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