Is your company depositing your EPF every month? Find it out online

While reading on net I came to know that there have been some cases where the employer has deducted the EPF (Provident Fund / PF) money from employee's salary and then did not deposit that money to EPFO.

If you want to be sure that your EPF contribution has been deposited to EPFO (Employee Provident Fund Office), here are some of the ways to check it online -

2. E passbook - It contains all the transactions of your EPF account. So any amount deposited by employer to EPFO will get recorded here. It has complete information for your each month's contribution. But the problem is it is usually not updated to the latest date. It gets updated in batches and in most of the cases it is outdated by an year. For eg. I downloaded my e-passbook in April, 2014 and it was updated till Dec.,2012 only! Also if you are recent joinee, typically there won't be any record available in E passbook.

  1. EPFO Website - Luckily Provident Fund website has a way to find out the monthly PF deposit made by a company and for which all employees. One can easily use this information to verify if one's EPF money is being deposited regularly to EPFO. Please note that you can't find the exact money deposited on your behalf here as the money shown is the total for all employees in the company.

    To check this, please go to Establishment Information Search : On this page search your establishment (company) either by entering the establishment code or by company's name. Once you get the results, click on the "Payment" icon at the end of the row. For e.g., when I searched on "infosys" as shown below, I got 7 records of different establishments. When I clicked on the "Payment" icon of the second row, I got all the records of "INFOSYS BPO LIMITED" related to EPF deposits done electronically. It shows details like "Date of Credit" of EPF money to EPFO, the "No. of Employees" for whom the money has been deposited, and the total "Amount" credited for all those employees. Below are the example screenshots -

    **Establishment Information Search**

    **Search Results**

    **Payment Details Page**

So to check whether your employer has deposited your EPF money for a particular month, click on the "No. of Employees" link of that particular month and search your name in the list that comes up. It will ensure that your EPF money has gone to EPFO. However, please note that this data is available only for companies who are submitting the EPF money using the E-Challan and Receipt (ECR) facility.

To read all articles related to EPF/PF go to EPF/PF - All Articles

Category: finance


    06 Feb 15
    Am Rajesh, i worked in skyway cargo carriers i pvt ldt from 2007 , My PF Account Number is KD/MAL/210060/11. i am unable to check my details so Kindly share me the full record to EPF deposits done electronicall
  • vikas jagannath dhainje
    19 Dec 14
    show my all balance of pf
    18 Dec 14
    18 Dec 14
  • Praveena M
    12 Dec 14
    Am praveena, i worked in Erfolg Bangalore for 9 Months, My PF Account Number is MH/KND/93701/197. i am unable to check my details so Kindly share me the full record to EPF deposits done electronically

  • parasram sahu
    03 Dec 14
    I want to check my complete deposit details of my epf account
    09 Oct 14
    I want full record of Saicare Logistics Pvt Ltd EPF deposits done electronically. when I click payment icon I got only 7 record.