Know your Income tax jurisdiction (Ward/Circle)

While filling income tax return on IncomeTaxIndiaEfiling, one needs to fill 'Income Tax Ward/Circle'. It is also called 'your income tax jurisdiction'. Sometimes it is also required to meet or write a letter/email to income tax jurisdictional Assessing Officer (A.O.) - e.g., if you have received a notice on your past year income tax return and want to clarify few things.

In simple language, 'jurisdiction' means 'the office which have power to make legal decisions'. Hence in the context of income tax and PAN, it means the address and details of the income tax office which handles your income tax return, does subsequent verification etc.

Know Your Jurisdiction (i.e., ward/circle) and Jurisdictional Assessing Officer (A.O.)

Your jurisdiction can be found easily based on your PAN card number. Go to Find jurisdiction page on income tax website, and fill your PAN. On submit, you will be able to see following set of information:

Sample Jurisdiction Details for PAN:

Fields Names Sample Value
Surname xyz
Middle Name xyz
First Name xyz
Area Code KAR
AO Type W
Range Code 312
AO Number 5
Jurisdiction Ward 5(3)(5), Bangalore
Building Name HMT Building, Bangalore

As mentioned above, apart from Jurisdiction/ward number, you will be able to find your A.O. Code/Number and email of A.O. officer.

News on Know your Jurisdiction and PAN

New tamper-proof PAN cards

Indian Government has started issuing new temper proof pan card in Feb 2017. New PAN cards are currently being printed by NSDL and UTIITSL (UTI Infrastructure Technology and Services Ltd). If you are applying for a PAN card now, you will get the new temper proof card only. Existing card holder need not apply as older one will still be valid.

12th February 2017
Category: finance