Download YouTube Videos

On Internet Explorer

On Internet Explorer, if you want to download online audio/video then IE DownloadHelper is the tool you need. Install this software free from Softpedia.

After installation, a small arrow icon appears in the browser's status bar. The arrow turns green whenever a web page with a downloadable... more

My Password Manager - KeePassX

Managing plenty of different passwords is a task in itself given the limitations of our memory and the multitude of password policies that different sites enforce. We tend to simplify this task either by writing down all the passwords in a notebook or by reusing same passwords over and over again. Both these approaches are risky. In the first case, there is a risk of someone spying on your ... more

Understanding Domain Name Servers and Web Addresses resolution

What happens when we type a website address in a browser's address bar?

Simple, we get the web page hosted on that address but there are a number of processes taking place behind the scenes. The machines on web don't understand the human readable domain names (eg: but they need addresses in a format called IP address. So there must be someone sitting in between our browser and ... more

Understanding the set up of one's own website

Its only last week that I got my very first website up and running all by myself! And I cannot wait to tell you how I did it all :)

Here is a step by step process to learn to set up one's own website. (More minute and technical details in the other post for the interested readers.)

  1. Buy a domain name
    • Think of a domain name for your website. (eg: '... more